Tuesday, June 17, 2008

New Blog Spot

ok. so several of my friends had a blog spot so I decided to start one. I will hopefully be better at keeping this one up to date!! I am usually horrible about it! But, I am gonna try to be better. Here is my first one: I haven't been up to much lately. I had my tonsils taken out on Friday and I want to say thanks for all of the prayers that you guys said for me!! I really appreciate it. I am feeling much better! It was not a major surgery, it was actually very minor, but they kept telling me it was worse on adults and now I know what they mean! It was horrible! I was in so much pain that I was almost in tears at some points. They gave me pain medicine to take every 4 hours, but it would wear off after about 2 and then, I was stuck in pain! I am able to talk a little bit better now, but it still hurts if I talk alot! I am so glad that I am feeling better and especially that I can eat, even if it is just soup and soft stuff, I can at least eat!! THANK YOU for all the prayers!! Love ya!! :-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay! I'm so glad you're feeling better. We missed you at church. Take care and don't talk too much. ;-) Just kidding.